
ARIIA PubMed Searches

ARIIA PubMed Searches let you search for research evidence in the PubMed database with one-click. No need to structure complex searches. An expert librarian has done the work for you.

Simply click on a pre-written search option to be taken directly to relevant results. Searches cover priority aged care topics, urgent and critical needs topics such as COVID-19, care for diverse groups, provider considerations, and the aged care workforce. There is also a section for finding information on implementing change in the workplace.

Find everything on the topic by clicking on the All option. Focus your search further by selecting one of the options:

  • Australia – Australian research literature only
  • Reviews – Systematic reviews only
  • Full text – Limits the search to free full text articles.


Aged care priority topics

Each priority topic search is already limited to the home care and residential aged care settings. To see all citations, click the All option.

Urgent and Critical Needs

Each urgent and critical needs topic search is already limited to the home care and residential aged care settings. To see all citations, click the All option.

Diverse groups in aged & care?

The groups listed here are from the Aged Care Diversity Framework. We have added refugees and younger residents of aged care to this list. All population group topics are limited to the aged care setting. Choose between All citations or those where the full text article is freely available.
Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Aged care workforce

These workforce topics have been restricted to the aged care setting. Choose between All citations, the Australian context, or articles for which the full text is freely available.

Provider considerations

All topics are limited to the aged care setting. Choose between All citations, Australian aged care only, or free full text articles only.