
Industry & Technology Partners

If you provide products or services to the aged care sector, there are many ways you can participate and contribute to ARIIA programs and activities. Find out more below.

Share your knowledge & expertise

If you have expertise in a specialised area and can provide expert advice on resource or product development, you can nominate to be part of a reference groups, co-design teams or grant review panels.  Complete our survey to see how you can participate.

Access up-to-date research and resources

Find up-to-date, reliable information and evidence to support aged care service delivery in your organisation and browse Knowledge & Implementation Hub.

Participate in our programs

If you partner with an aged care provider that has a specific problem you could solve, we can help you and their organisation explore their idea further as part of the Innovator Training Program and Aged Care Partnering Program.

Apply for an ARIIA grant

If you have a project specific to improving the quality of care across the aged care sector, ARIIA is offering funding to consortiums to implement their ideas through our Grants program. 

Sign up for ARIIA news and event updates

Subscribe to ARIIA to stay up-to-date on all the latest news, research and upcoming events and activities from ARIIA and across the aged care sector.

Want to know more?

If you would like more information or have a question about how you can participate in ARIIA programs and activities, get in touch with us for more details.