

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Australian Association of Gerontology Position Paper: Wellness and reablement for all Australians receiving home, community, and residential aged care services

This position paper provides direction to the Australian Government, policymakers and service providers on the 10 core principles of wellness and re-enablement.

Loneliness and isolation: Background paper for the Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing

This 2020 background paper presents a comprehensive discussion about social isolation and loneliness across population groups and also specifically among the older Australian population.

Added 28 Jul 2022
Signs your loved one in aged care has depression

When a loved one moves into residential aged care, it's not unusual for there to be a difficult adjustment period. In this article, two experts give their advice on what to do if you suspect your loved one in aged care has depression.

Reducing depression in nursing homes requires more than just antidepressants

Article in The Conversation on the issue of aged care residents and depression.

The prevalence, reporting, and treatment of anxiety among older adults in nursing homes and other residential aged care facilities

Little is known about anxiety in aged care populations, despite its increase in this frail population. This study investigated the prevalence, recording, and treatment rate of anxiety disorders among aged care residents.

Aged care residents underusing mental health services

An Australian research study finds less than three in 100 residents of Australian aged care facilities accessed Medicare-subsidised mental health services between 2012 and 2017 despite a high prevalence of mental health conditions among this group. Reported in Australia Ageing Agenda, 14 July 2022.

Rehabilitation and older people

This 2002 Medical Journal of Australia article provides an overview of rehabilitation and older people providing guidance for practice essentials.

Enhancing the independence and care of the older person

This background paper was developed by the Sustainable Health Review secretariat and focused on the need to reduce the costs of acute healthcare by strengthening sub-acute services for older Australians.

Added 27 Jul 2022
A potted history of wellness and reablement in the Australian Home and Community care sector

This article discusses the history and evolution of reablement programs in Australia.

A function-focused approach in primary care for older people with functional decline

This 2019 professional development article from the Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) discusses reablement, restorative care and rehabilitation providing a function-focused approach to address the needs of older people with functional decline.