
Dementia Care

Over two thirds of Australian aged care residents are living with dementia. In a 2022 survey, the Australian aged care workforce nominated dementia as one of four priority topics for the sector. The Knowledge Hub has therefore gathered evidence of best practice, along with learning and practical resources, to support the aged care workforce in delivering safe, high-quality care to individuals living with dementia.

Dementia care evidence and resources

The Knowledge Hub has brought together the research evidence on what works in dementia care with Australian online learning and practice tools and resources. This involved:

  1. A scoping review of published systematic reviews revealed the main ‘evidence themes’ across the dementia research.
  2. An environmental scan of online resources in diverse formats such as guidelines, videos, learning modules, and downloadable information sheets.

The work was guided by an advisory group of research experts with expertise in the topic and people with experience in the sector.

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Navigating the Sector

Sometimes you need some background information or to know what is happening in the sector. The Research and Project Supports section has lots of interesting and useful resources to help you start a project, plan a study or run a training session at work.

Research and Project Supports

Australian Projects and Initiatives

Find out about current Australian dementia care projects and initiatives

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