Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.
Transforming the aged care experience
This PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report discusses how technology is used by aged care providers and explores the experiences of aged care service recipients and their families and the factors related to the use of technology.
Transforming aged care
The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University webpage highlights their Transforming Aged Care report discussing the importance of using technology to automate and streamline non-care duties and increase connectedness of older Australians.
A technology roadmap for the Australian aged care sector
This report, prepared by the Medical Device Research Institute, Flinders University, discusses the evidence and recommendations critical in applying the use of technology in the aged care sector.
Assessment framework for mHealth apps
A framework developed by the Australian Digital Health Agency for assessing mhealth apps. Includes guidance for mHealth app developers, advice for consumers on how to choose credible apps, and support for health professionals to make informed choices when recommending apps to clients.
Innovation driving care systems capability: Practical lessons from the CARE-IT project
An Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council (ACIITC) report discussing the findings of seven case studies of good practice in technology-enabled care and innovation undertaken by the ACIITC. Technology adopters describe practical lessons learnt in implementing a range of different technological solutions.
Cyber intelligence insights
This CyberCX Cyber Intelligence Insights summary report presents focused, contextualised information intended to be read by senior decision makers. Prepared by CyberCX’s Cyber Intelligence team, these reports present recent trends that will inform organisations’ cyber security posture and risk assessments.
Social, ethical and economic considerations of smart technologies for ageing well
This report by The University of Adelaide discusses the findings of primary and secondary research activities undertaken to understand what is needed to age well, age well in place and the assets and challenges of using smart technologies at home.
COVID-19 and workforce wellbeing: A survey of the Australian nursing, midwifery, and care worker workforce
A report from the Rosemary Bryant AO Research Centre about COVID-19 and health and aged care workforce wellbeing. The report containins a section (page 16) on considerations to advance policy and practice in providing support for the healthcare workforce regarding staff burnout.
Our duty of care: A global call to action to protect the mental health of health and care workers
A WHO report highlighting interventions to protect and support the mental health of health and care workers. The report was produced from the WISH 2022 Forum on the Mental Health of Health and Care Workers.
Palliative care and dementia
This discussion paper provides guidance for health professionals on palliative and end-of-life care for people with dementia and those who support them.