

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Ron's story

Ron's wife, Diana, had dementia. As her carer, Ron struggled with facilitating the choices his wife wanted to make that he was unsure of. This video is from the Cognitive Decline Partnership Centre. (4 min)

Added 23 Jul 2022
Roles of psychologists in assessing and treating dementia

This article from InPsych provides information about psychological assessment of dementia, includes information about types of dementia, course and stages of dementia, differential diagnosis, dementia screening instruments, and roles for psychologists.

Added 23 Jul 2022
Information Sheet
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander roadmap for dementia research and translation

This sheet from the National Institute for Dementia Research provides guidance to government, researchers, industry and philanthropy on Australia's dementia research strategy and activity in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities over the longer term.

Added 23 Jul 2022
Reviewing and tapering antipsychotic medications forbehavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia

A tool from NPS MedicineWise to facilitate multidisciplinary review of antipsychotic medicines prescribed for patients experiencing changed behaviour, including advice on how and when to taper.

Added 23 Jul 2022
Restrictive practices webinar

A webinar from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission about the changes to legislation surrounding restrictive practices in aged care. (1 h)

Added 23 Jul 2022
Restrictive practices – behaviour support planning webinar

 A webinar from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission about the behaviour support planning requirements under the restrictive practices legislation. (58 min)

Added 22 Jul 2022
Responsive Behaviours Toolkit

This resource from Dementia Training Australia aims to help health professionals educate their staff, by providing brief training sessions. (*please note you must be logged in as a Dementia Training Australia member (free) to watch video presentations and access resources).

Added 22 Jul 2022
Information Sheet
Communication and engagement

Dementia can have an impact on a person’s ability to communicate verbally. This sheet from Alzheimer's WA provides information regarding communicating and engaging with a person with dementia, stigma, what not to do, and life story books.

Added 22 Jul 2022
Responsive behaviours: Quick reference cards

Designed by Dementia Training Australia, the Quick Reference Cards are designed as an on-the-spot point of reference for health professionals and care staff working with people with dementia, to help address responsive behaviours.

Added 22 Jul 2022
Communicating with people living with dementia

In this webinar from the Older Person's Advocacy Network, the panel covers communication changes after dementia onset, communication barriers faced by carers supporting a person living with dementia, practical strategies for communicating, and communicating with an individual from a culturally and linguistically diverse background. (1 h)

Added 22 Jul 2022