
Prof John McCallum

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John has a lengthy and illustrious career in research relating to health and ageing, along with senior management roles in universities and national research organisations. John has undertaken ground-breaking research on retirement, has advised on Australia’s major longitudinal study of health and ageing (the Dubbo Study) and was instrumental in establishing research translation activities at the National Health and Medical Research Council.

David Lim

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As the General Counsel and University Secretary of Flinders University, he is responsible for the Governance of the University and has been with the University since 2017. As a highly regarded General Counsel and Company Secretary, he has experience with an ASX listed company, public sector organisation, and private legal practice.

Professor Alison Kitson FRCN

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Alison is the inaugural Vice President and Executive Dean of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at Flinders University. She has held executive leadership, education, and research roles at Adelaide Nursing School at University of Adelaide, Royal College of Nursing, Aalborg University, Denmark, Oxford Brookes University, QUT, and University of Oxford. Alison has published over 300 peer-reviewed articles and in 2014 was acknowledged in the Academic Ranking of World Universities list of high cite world researchers for her work on knowledge translation.

Prof Rob Saint AM

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Rob is Vice-President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at Flinders University. He was a Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow and has held executive leadership, education, and research roles at Stanford University, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research, University of Adelaide, Australian National University, and University of Melbourne. He has been a member of the ARC College of Experts, National Health and Medical Research Council Grant Review Panels, and the Human Frontier Science Program Grant Review Panel.