

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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Dementia data gaps and opportunities

This report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare is a review of national data that may be suitable for routine or regular monitoring of dementia.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia - coping with placement

A carer’s role will change once a person with dementia is in residential care. This webpage from the BetterHealth Channel provides information regarding how visiting is important to both resident and carer, making visits more enjoyable, possible outings, visiting in the later stages, parting, wanting to go home, things to try, support groups, and where to get help.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia - continence issues

This webpage from the BetterHealth Channel provides information regarding causes of incontinence in people with dementia, information to tell the doctor, caring for someone with incontinence, suggestions for managing incontinence, respecting privacy, and where to get help.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia - communication

This webpage from the BetterHealth Channel provides information on communication changes which may occur with dementia, suggestions for communicating with a person with dementia, what not to do, therapies, and communication strategies.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia: Caring for the carer

This is the third video in a series of three from myVirtualMedicalCentre. This video focuses on understanding and managing Alzheimer's disease, and caring for the carer. (20 min)

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia Care Mapping: Supported living - Joy Lim

This video from Alzheimer's WA consists of Joy's 2017 symposium presentation on Dementia Care Mapping - supported living. (26 min)

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia - behaviour changes

This webpage from the BetterHealth Channel provides information about behaviour changes which may be experienced by someone living with dementia.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia awareness: A resource reference for personal care workers

General information from the Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs regarding dementia, including symptoms, communication, supporting the person living with dementia, activities, behaviours, behaviour management and delirium.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia in Australia

This Australian Institute of Health and Welfare webpage provides an overview of dementia prevalence, risk factors, treatment and management, and aged care.

Added 25 Jul 2022
Dementia Australia and Men's Sheds: Making a difference

This short film by Dementia Australia is about a program in the Hunter region of NSW for men in the early stages of dementia and male carers of people with dementia. (4 min)

Added 25 Jul 2022