Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.
Cup of tea
Cup of tea is a short animated video from Anglicare Northern Territory that tells the story of an elderly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carer Betty and her husband Brett, who requires daily aged care. Betty also cares for her grandchildren and finds she is not coping with all the daily caring responsibilities (available in English, Yolngu Matha and Anindilyakwa).
Abridged guidelines for diagnosis and care of Aboriginal People with dementia in remote communities
These guidelines from the Dementia Collaborative Research Centre have been provided to ensure that people with dementia who live in remote communities are correctly diagnosed and receive the services that they, and their families, require.
Best-practice guide to cognitive impairment and dementia care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people attending primary care
This is a guide from the University of Melbourne to support best practice in primary health care settings for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in relation to cognitive impairment and dementia.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communication cards
These illustrated cue cards from Dementia Support Australia assist carers/care staff to understand the care needs of a person and create opportunities to build trust and security while reducing anxiety.
Supporting an Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander with dementia move into aged care
This helpsheet from Dementia Support Australia provides tips and practical information to help you support an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person with dementia feel more settled in their new care environment.
Assistive technology
Much assistive technology is aimed at supporting people with dementia and their carers at home. This webpage from The Victorian Government Department of Health provides information about the types of technology available, and tips about choosing technology that works for you.
Dementia specific training and resources
This free online training from The Advance Project focuses on initiating end-of-life conversations and assessing palliative care needs of people living with dementia. The training and resources have been specifically created for clinicians, managers, and careworkers in aged and primary care settings to build confidence, capacity and skills.
Centre for Dementia Learning
This resource provided by Dementia Australia explores a wide range of tools and programs for organisations and staff supporting people living with dementia.
A roadmap for quality dementia care
Information regarding quality dementia care - focusing on three key areas: Dementia support pathways, building workforce capability, and dementia-friendly design.
Appropriate use of benzodiazepines and other sedatives (course)
In this course from Dementia Training Australia, you will learn about the role benzodiazepines and other sedative medications may play in supporting a person experiencing responsive behaviours and use case studies to help you develop an individualised and evidence-based management plan for people in your care.