

Browse resources created and collated by ARIIA as a trusted, evidence-based guide to supporting innovation across the aged care sector.

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When Someone Dies in Residential Aged Care: Grief and Loss for Families

This booklet from RePaDD supports bereavement by providing information on what is likely to happen over time from entry into aged care through to the end of life. It includes suggestions, practical resources, and supports for families.

Palliative Care and Dementia

Palliative Care and Dementia s a joint policy statement from Palliative Care Australia  and Dementia Australia advocating for improved awareness and understanding of the unique palliative care needs of people living with dementia, their families, carers and community.

Information Sheet
Palliative Care

This help sheet provides some information on the palliative care approaches that play a crucial role in the care of the person who is dying. It provides information about how the person with dementia can be supported to die in comfort and with dignity.

Older Australia

Australia’s population is ageing, we are living longer and dying older. Having access to information and resources can help us and our families to understand what to expect and plan for the future including aged care and end of life. 

Learning and Placement Guides for Careworkers

Learning Guides are one part of the PEPA/IPEPA learning pathway and can be used to support workshops and placement learning. This one is for careworkers.

Learning and Placement Guides for Nurses

Learning Guides are one part of the PEPA/IPEPA learning pathway and can be used to support workshops and placement learning. This one is for nurses.

iPEPA Learning Approach

IPEPA training equips the healthcare workforce to deliver culturally-responsive and safe care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and their loved ones, who are living with an illness that will shorten the person’s life and lead to death.

End of Life Law Toolkit

This toolkit provides practical information about the law at end of life for the aged care sector. It contains useful resources on end of life legal issues commonly encountered in aged care.

Linkages Program

A team of facilitators support service development through the Linkages Program, navigation of resources, building partnerships, connecting with peak bodies from aged, primary and specialist palliative care.

Putting the meaning into meaningful activities: A self-determination theory perspective

What makes an activity meaningful? And why are different people drawn to different activities? In this blog, Associate Professor Tim Windsor of Flinders University explores these questions using a self-determination theory perspective. At the core of this theory is the notion that human motivation and well-being are sustained through the satisfaction of three basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness.