
Facing the Future, Changing the Future

Now that the inaugural ARIIA conference is over we are feeling inspired, excited and positive about the future of aged care in Australia.

Thank you to our insightful speakers from around the country and across the globe. They came and presented many ideas and new perspectives to help us face the future. 

There were many messages and takeaways from the conference, so here a just a few from Keynote Speakers:

  • Ashton Applewhite – We need to work together to tackle ageism, sexism and racism. Solid social networks are a priority.
  • Nikki Beckman – Replace sameness thinking with design thinking, and bring everyone to the table.
  • Prof David Brown – Coopetition and collaboration…the pathway to financial security in the Australian aged sector
  • Ita Buttrose AC OBE – We have to fight negativity around ageing. If you’re lucky you get old. Not everyone makes it.
  • Ross Dawson – Increasingly people want to be productive into later years to remain independent and have choice and respect. Technology will make this possible.
  • Geraldine Doogue – If you could pull a lever to make one change as you age what would that be?
  • Dawn Fraser SC MBE – I would like to see people be supported to be able to stay in their own homes instead of going into an aged care home.
  • Stan Grant – Ageing and death are not something to be feared but are to be embraced by our Elders.
  • Frank Juskulke – Start with the problem, not the solution. Learn from consumers first, to create solutions that will actually meet identified needs.
  • Prof Yun-Hee Jeon – Successful knowledge translation of person-centred care starts with managerial leadership and support.
  • Dr Fiona Kerr – Humans are built to connect, and technology should enhance human connection to other humans. We need to help people feel comfortable, capable and connected.
  • Jean Kittson AM –  Older people aren’t them…they’re us…just a bit older than us, We are them and we want our Elders to live the best life for them, and by them, I mean us.
  • Susie Meagher – There is a huge need to inlock capital and get investors to understand the challenges and consequences in the aged care sector and fund the responses needed.
  • Prof Alex Mihailidis – Technology is not a silver bullet…it is one tool in the toolbelt and an intervention that should be useable to support quality care of older people.
  • Adam Reid – There is a need to rapidly hire 2,500 to 5,000 new workers to support ageing South Australians.
  • Susan Ryan – Meaningful life is about ‘deep knowing relationships with reciprocity’.
  • Bernard Salt AM – Anxiety and depression increase exponentially at 70- 80+ years due to social isolation, often caused by death of a partner.
  • Ian Yates AM – The Australian Government wants to ensure every Australian has the right aged care system to deliver better outcomes for older people.

Our Think Tanks Speakers made so many points for lively discussion, debate and ideas to stretch our thinking about what could be achieved through collaboration. We will be bringing your more about their sessions soon.

A big thank you to our generous sponsors:

Finally, a big thank you to our amazing associates, we could not have done this without you:

The Conference hashtag #ariiaconference2023 generated over 570 mentions, becoming a vibrant reflection of the event. Check out the buzz for yourself at

A huge thank you to all 72 participants that used the #ariiaconference2023 on Twitter for their active engagement and contributions.

#ariiaconference2023 Participants

That’s what collaboration is all about.

Let’s keep the conversation going about our Elders and how we can all age positively!