
Studies and Trials

The following studies were identified following a search of clinical trials registries and funding bodies.

Coronavirus in Victorian Healthcare and Aged care workers (COVIC-HA) Cohort Study
Lead Organization: Monash University
Status: In progress
The Coronavirus in Victorian Healthcare and Aged Care Workers (COVIC-HA) study will aim to enrol more than 1,500 Victorian frontline HCWs across hospital, ambulance, aged care and primary care settings, and monitor them over time for mental health changes, impacts on physical health, and evidence of COVID-19 infection. Workplace preparedness and responses will also be investigated, to identify strategies that delivered good outcomes for HCWs. Findings will be delivered to the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, WorkSafe and other key stakeholders to inform evidence-based responses that are matched to the needs of HCWs and safeguard their health and wellbeing in the context of COVID-19 and future health threats.

Interventions for Managing Occupational Burnout Among Residential Aged Care Staff: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocol 
Lead Organisation: Swinburne University of Technology 
Status: In progress
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of interventions compared to inactive control intervention (usual care or practice) for preventing occupational burnout in RAC staff.
Methods: This protocol was developed in accordance to the reporting standards of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols (PRISMA-P). Included studies that meet the eligibility criteria will be identified by systematic searches of electronic databases. The PRISMA flowchart will also be utilised to record the selection process. Two reviewers will extract data and assess the quality of each study independently. The Standardised Mean Differences (SMDs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) will be utilised in order to combine different burnout measures or scales. Extracted studies which are sufficiently similar will be included for metaanalyses. The Cochrane risk of bias (RoB 2) tool will also be utilised in order to assess the methodological quality of randomised controlled trials.

Department of Health and Aged Care Resources

COVID-19 aged care grief and trauma support resources

This is a collection of grief and trauma resources for those living, working and caring in the aged care sector, who have been impacted by COVID-19.

Phoenix Australia

Offers information and tools to support those who have had traumatic experiences, and trauma recovery resources for carers and aged care providers.

There are 3 resource packages designed for the aged care sector, available on the Phoenix Australia aged care website:

  • For aged care organisations: Trauma-informed care policy resources including a trauma-informed care framework, webinars, workbooks and self-assessment tools.
  • For aged care staff: Trauma-informed practice resources, including videos, webinars and online training. Designed to help aged care staff give trauma-informed care to others and understand self-care for themselves.
  • For aged care recipients, their families and loves ones: Trauma awareness and support resources on understanding trauma. Guidance on when to seek help, self-care strategies and resources for caring for a loved one affected by trauma.

Aged Care COVID-19 Grief and Bereavement Service

Contact the Aged Care COVID-19 Grief and Bereavement Service for free support for those affected by COVID-19 in the aged care sector. They are available 9 am to 5 pm AEDT, from Monday to Friday. This service is operated by the Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement.
Phone: 1800 222 200

Government support for providers and workers (Covid 19)

Support to Australian Government-funded aged care services (residential and in-home care) during COVID-19 outbreaks. This includes additional personal protective equipment, workforce support and cost reimbursements.

If you know about a research study on staff burnout that could be included in our list, please email us at