
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Interventions

Key points

  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to technological tools and resources that include computers, internet devices, live broadcasting technologies, recorded broadcasting technologies, and telephone.
  • Overall, ICT has positive effects on the older people; it improves their social network and connection and decreases loneliness.
  • Training the older people in using different types of ICT is needed.
  • ICT should not replace human connection and interaction.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is defined by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information. Technological tools and resources include computers, the Internet (e.g., websites, blogs, emails etc), live broadcasting technologies (e.g., radio, television and webcasting), recorded broadcasting technologies (e.g., podcasts, audio and video players, and storage devices) and telephone (e.g., fixed or mobile, satellite or video-conferencing). [1] ICT is the unification of communications and modern technology.

ICT has been widely used in aged care. The Australian eHealth Research Centre’s work in ‘Health in the Digital Age’ include storage of health data and data analytics, clinical terminology, use of data for other related purposes, and mobile health solutions such as telehealth. Aged care providers have been trialling assistive and mobile technologies to meet certain needs of the people in their care. ICT has potential advantages such as improving quality and safety of care, information sharing and facilitating easier connections with health providers, families and friends, especially of the older people who are socially isolated. [2]

This evidence theme is a summary of one of the key topics identified by a scoping review of social isolation research. If you need more specific or comprehensive information on this topic, try using the PubMed search below.  We found six reviews that reported evidence about information and communication technology in aged care. Findings were for the use of ICT in general and for specific types of ICT. Overall, any form of ICT used for social intervention such as email, video calls and chat using Skype and What’s App and Facebook, decreased loneliness and increased the social network size of older people. [3]

For specific types of ICT:

  • Loneliness among older people in aged care decreased with a 10-week, one-hour session of Nintendo Wii games compared with watching TV only [4,5], by listening to a radio program that played music from 1920-1950 for one hour daily over three months [4,6] and doing video conferences or video calls [3,4,7-9]. There is inconclusive evidence for the use of Skype in decreasing loneliness whereas Facebook use reduced loneliness. However, Skype was easier to use according to the older participants. [3]
  • Feelings of loneliness and social isolation decreased with social robots, which are artificial intelligence systems that can interact with people. However, this finding is yet to be strengthened. Older people expressed concern that technology might replace true social contact with humans. [10]
  • Social connection improved with the use of smartphone applications. [9]
  • Family and social connection and social support improved with video conferences or video calls. Depression also decreased using these technologies. [3,4,7-9]

Qualitative feedback from participants on the use of videoconferences and video calls was provided by one review. It found:  

    • Videoconferences or video calls improved self-esteem, wellbeing and quality of life of older people. Older people felt that they were ‘still part of the family.’ [8]
    • This form of contact, when integrated into occupational therapy sessions, was something that older people looked forward to. [8,11]
    • Overall, videoconferences or video calls have positive effects on older people. However, older people reported getting anxious when calls were disrupted due to unstable or poor network connection, or when they find it difficult to use the smartphone or touchscreen tablet. Some of older people were afraid that the video calls may replace in-person contact with their family and friends. [8]
    • It is important to train older people in doing videoconferences or video calls and provide them with support throughout the encounter to make it work to their advantage. [8]
  • Encourage and if possible, teach older people to use varying forms of ICT to connect with family and friends.
  • Allow the person to choose the best and easiest form of ICT device and application that will work for them.
  • Be patient when teaching people to use ICT devices and applications so are less likely to get anxious and turn away from the use of ICT.
  • Provide a secure and stable internet connection in your facility.
  • Perhaps also provide devices such as computer tablets for use by people who do not have their own.
  • Facilitate training for older people in aged care in the use of technology.
  • Provide opportunities for staff training in ICT so that they can best support older people new to these technologies.
  1. UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) [Internet]. n.d. [cited 2022 Jul 29]. Available from:
  2. Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. ICT strategy and architecture review report [Internet]. The Architecture Practice; 2020 [cited 2022 Jul 29]. Available from:
  3. Ibarra F, Baez M, Cernuzzi L, Casati F. A systematic review on technology-supported interventions to improve old-age social wellbeing: Loneliness, social isolation, and connectedness. J Healthc Eng. 2020;2036842.
  4. Franck L, Molyneux N, Parkinson L. Systematic review of interventions addressing social isolation and depression in aged care clients. Qual Life Res. 2016;25(6):1395-407.
  5. Kahlbaugh PE, Sperandio AJ, Carlson AL, Hauselt J. Effects of playing Wii on well-being in the elderly: Physical activity, loneliness, and mood. Act. Adapt. Aging. 2011;35(4):331-44.
  6. Travers C, Bartlett HP. Silver Memories: Implementation and evaluation of a unique radio program for older people. Aging Ment Health. 2011;15(2):169-77.
  7. Mikkelsen ASB, Petersen S, Dragsted AC, Kristiansen M. Social interventions targeting social relations among older people at nursing homes: A qualitative synthesized systematic review. Inq. 2019;56:46958018823929.
  8. Naudé B, Rigaud AS, Pino M. Video calls for older adults: A narrative review of experiments involving older adults in elderly care institutions. Front Public Health. 2021;9:751150.
  9. Robič M, Rotar Pavlič D. COVID-19 and care for the elderly in long-term care facilities: The role of Information Communication Technology. Acta Med Acad. 2021; 50(3):414-22.
  10. Latikka R, Rubio-Hernández R, Lohan ES, Rantala J, Fernando Nieto F, Laitinen A, et al. Older adults’ loneliness, social isolation, and physical Information and Communication Technology in the era of ambient assisted living: A systematic literature review. J Med Int Res. 2021.
  11. Zamir S, Hennessy C, Taylor A, Jones R. Intergroup 'Skype' quiz sessions in care homes to reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people. Geriatr (Basel). 2020;5(4).

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